Saturday, February 21, 2015

Oh no! Not more of the white stuff!

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Oh no! Not more of the white stuff!

Boy is the snow ever pretty, but holy shit can it ever put you into the blues. There is nothing like being trapped inside for days, and freezing your buns off at even the thought of stepping outside into the winter wonderland. My balcony is filled half way up with the crap, I can't even open up the sliding door anymore... IM TRAPPED! Feeling trapped and constantly being cold can really lead you to feeling like your home is being roamed by dementor's. To quote Ronald Weasley "as though all happiness had gone from the world" (I know I'm a harry potter nerd, but is there really any better way to describe the mid winter blues). There is nothing quite like the mid winter blues.

So how do we beat them? Well here's what I do when I start to get down during the winter! 
Go out as much as possible if you don't have to be at home or it's not to bad to drive out go out. Go to a friends, go to the store or if it's a warmer cold day go for a walk! Really do try to go for a walk on those warmer days, just getting a little of that GLORIOUS sunlight is golden. 
Talk/Write about it you're feeling crummy, let someone know! I'm constantly bitching to my friends or my boyfriend about how winter has got me down. It just seems like everything comes at once and at the worst possible time! #money&lifesucksometimes If you don't feel like talking to someone, it's just not your thing, write it down. Journals aren't just for school girls they really do help, even if only to get everything off of your chest! Go find a cute journal, or find a diy journal project on pinterest and make one specifically suited to you.
Cuddle I'm a firm believer of cuddling cures everything! & you don't need a significant other to cuddle, cuddle your pets or a stuffy it really helps! Cuddling something to me is one of the biggest stress reliefs ever, I can literally feel the stress leave my body. It's invigorating! 
Find a project Having nothing to do during the winter is really what gets to me, usually I'm out with friends hiking and enjoying the world. When it's winter I'm a hermit I hate being cold so I avoid it at all costs. Little do it yourself projects have really helped me find an inner happiness. I've done three projects so far this winter not including scrapbooking. Having something to keep my mind occupied helps so much! 

Remember don't let winter get to you! It'll be over before you know it and then you can bask in the glory of sunshine again!


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