Wednesday, November 18, 2015


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(image is not mine)

I want adventure in the great wide somewhere.

I literally have those words tattooed on my body. All I've ever wanted growing up is a life of adventure. I grew up in a family that didn't have a lot of extra money for tropical destination trips, so we went camping.. a lot. I LOVE CAMPING, don't get me wrong the last trip I took was a camping trip.. TWO YEARS AGO. I  cannot believe it's been two years since I traveled, and almost six years since I went to Cuba. I crave adventure. I wish I could just travel for the next five years of my life.

Two of my good friends just left on a trip to backpack around Europe for a couple of months. I'm so insanely jealous, that's something I want to do so bad. I can't wait till I can do something like that in life. Hell I'd even be happy to just travel across Canada, I want to see the Rockey Mountains soo bad. I feel like if I could choose anywhere to live in Canada it would be in British Columbia so that everyday I could see the mountains. God it would be amazing to get up in the morning and have a coffee staring at that.

I know it's a bit early but I've started up a 2016 goals list on that list is to take a trip for my ten year anniversary with my boyfriend. That gives me till September to save up some money for an amazing trip for the two of us. With wanting to visit so many different places all over the world I have no idea where we should go.

Anywhere in Europe is huge on my list, especially the Netherlands as I have family who lives there. The two of us have climbing Mount Fuji on our bucket lists so I was also thinking about a trip to Japan, but that was the last place my boyfriend took a trip to. I'm thinking somewhere tropical, like Mexico or even Cuba again since Cuba's cheaper to get to than Mexico. I'm in love with waterfalls so I also think it would be awesome to go to somewhere that we can go see waterfalls. Really just drop me somewhere with BEAUTIFUL scenery and I'll be a happy camper.

Where in the world have you traveled? Where would you suggest to go?


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